Annual U.S.-Mexico Regional Binational Health Conference about Diseases and Emergencies Updates
A one-day conference is held once a year to discuss medically related topics and provide updates on matters of health that pertain to the U.S.-Mexico Border Region. It is hosted by MRGB AHEC in collaboration with the Texas Department of State Health Services-Public Health Region 11. The conference provided information regarding the local perspective on public health issues, migrants, and health, an overview of the COVID-19 pandemic in Laredo, Texas.
Annual Update in Medicine Conference
Annual Domestic Violence Conference
Annual Mental Health & Substance Abuse Symposium
A one-day conference aims to promote awareness about mental health and substance abuse issues in the community. This community effort focuses on breaking the stigma surrounding mental health. The program includes presentations on topics relevant to individuals, families, and professionals, as well as the community. Representatives from various fields, including counselors, social workers, educators, healthcare professionals, and community service agencies, attend the conference and earn continuing education credits.
Educational Presentations
These sessions are virtual educational presentations organized by MRGB AHEC on a specific health topic presented by an expert in that field followed up with audience engagement in a question-and-answer session. These sessions occur throughout the year with the goal to provide the community with education and awareness on common diseases, treatment, and vaccinations. The topics vary with every session, but one that is annually presented is that of the signs and symptoms of lupus in which CEU/CME are presented.
Mental Health Awareness Virtual Seminars
The seminars are made possible by partnerships with community local and regional partners who strive to improve the quality of life in the region. This year, AHEC organized and continues to host a biweekly presentation to meet the needs of the community. The guest speakers are experts in the field of mental health and substance abuse. Some of the topics covered include substance abuse related disorders, phases of bipolar disorders, mental health & self-care, coping with pandemic and the changing environment and others.